And the most wonderful thing is that one million troops outside will increase the number of public troops by 50,000, and Ye Tianqian will secretly form one million troops, which adds up to 70,000 troops. This military power will not be able to compete with the wind empire. There will be two super empires, the Red Crescent and the Silver Wolf.

But frowning tightly, Qiutes said nervously, Brother Ye, your plan is really wonderful, but I want to know what to do before I can put the archduke in the hands…


因给包围了 右手中夺过一把长剑犹在滴着血 他肩膀一处披风划破令人怀疑那血是对方还是他己这一剑他是替怀中女人挡眼中愤怒可想而知那敢这一剑人已经让他在怒火中砍掉了一第417节神秘甩不掉艳福13 阁放了怀中女人可饶你不死司马洛温柔不再身冷漠中透浓浓杀意却又由于某一种因努力克住了不经意一股天生威严露了来那是王证也是位高象征 蒙面男没回应深锁眉隐藏着一股说不清冷搂住怀中女人手臂紧了紧 不需要神多加判断眼前局势于他格外不利光一个司马洛要分胜负也非一时半刻事若带着一个女人他斗武功施展不压根半分胜算 外加司马洛招唤数名一高手形势更加恶劣 眼沈素儿除了眼珠能转身根动弹不得在小船蒙面男是指在她身点了点她话也说不来人也不能动了 莫名她没感觉危险 司马洛神淡然缓步迈近好像越是紧张越悠闲懒散 蒙面男处可退而司马洛好像并不担心他会伤沈素儿 Suddenly, the slight narrowing of male eyes determines what seems to push Shen Suer to Sima Luo. Seize the…

"Uncle Wu has a situation I want to reflect to you?" Yuan Hong didn’t dare to have the slightest delay and immediately replied, "One of these monks actually has 129,600 kinds of spiritual root attributes of heaven and earth, which has achieved chaotic attributes. This situation should also be regarded as a single spiritual root. He wants to follow the pure spiritual root example and directly worship the five elements."

I have never met this kind of situation in the five elements sect, and I don’t know whether I should promise him to disturb Uncle Wu! " "Chaos Linggen, it’s…

Wang Dan, the goddess who has been by the side of the Queen Mother, has not escaped Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s clutches. She is indeed from another world, but her strength can be limited when she comes here. Just like a saint in HarmonyOS, she can watch her face flushed with anger when she is grabbed by a smelly man.

"Ha ha, little fairy, see the Queen Mother." Eric Suen Yiu Wai wondered whether he deliberately ridiculed the Queen Mother or really felt that he was a little fairy in…